It was quite an intimate event really. We had 24 guests - 17 adults and 7 children to whom we served up this menu:-
It was great that all who came were complimentary about both the food and the styling of the event. It always feels good if you can surprise people and give them a little more than they were expecting.
We worked hard to create a nice atmosphere turning a traditional pub function room into tea room heaven... these place settings, made with freshly cut lavender and rosemary for our garden, provided a wonderful aroma as well looking pretty.
Our pictures, lamps, candlesticks, vases, trinkets and books all added to the scene setting...
If you have a charity close to your heart and you'd like to work with us to raise money from our next charity pop-up tea party then we'd love to hear from you - email
And in the meantime, I'll leave you with these photos of our youngest son who not only took great delight in our tiny cake tins but also tasted a strawberry for the first time...I'm sure the fact that it had been dipped in chocolate had nothing to do with the fact he ate three but has since refused to even look a non-chocolate strawberry in the eye... ;)